Cortex Park 26 (Videnbyen)
5230, Odense M
CarboPlanner ApS
CVR-nr: 44822458

Oliver K. Svendsen
MSc Software Engineering

Lukas R. Bjerre
MSc Competitive and Elite Sports

Stig Valla
MSc Training Physiology – Health
and Performance

Oliver A. Larsen
BSc Software Engineering,
Certified Personal Trainer
and Nutrition Coach

Mariana Contente
MSc Brand Management
and Marketing Communication

Anna Vandelli
MSc Buisness
and International Marketing
Our story
Across sports, we have found that dietary choices are often based on intuition - in some cases, even at the national team level. This is supported by scientific studies showing that few elite athletes meet their energy needs optimally. The consequence is reduced performance, prolonged recovery time, and potential impacts on health and well-being.
We are developing a nutrtion app to make it easy for athletes to tailor their nutrition to their training schedules and individual goals, providing clubs with concrete output from the data they collect. High quality is essential in CarboPlanner. We have roots in a scientifically grounded and research-based environment within sports science, data science, and software engineering, forming the foundation of our development. We are enhancing prediction models of energy expenditure to more accurately quantify energy requirements, aiding organizations in translating their collected data into tangible outputs. Therefore, we also collaborate with researchers to transfer the latest knowledge into practice.
We believe a holistic approach is the best way to integrate nutritional coaching into an athlete's daily life and training regimen. We acknowledge that diet is just one of many factors influencing performance and, more importantly, well-being. Hence, we are working on integrating our platform with other systems and wearables to ensure collected data is utilized and does not require redundant input. To tailor the system to real-life needs, we are developing the platform in collaboration with athletes, coaches, and clubs. Our priority is to create something practical that adds value. Our goal is to democratize quality sports nutrition that doesn't compromise well-being and is developed with an understanding of real-world needs.

Cortex Park 26 (Videnbyen)
5230, Odense M
CarboPlanner ApS
CVR-nr: 44822458